Martini - Acoustic Polyester

Martini acoustic polyester products offer a wide range of solutions for commercial projects, from wall and ceiling insulation for reducing noise transfer between areas, to decorative absorptive panels to help reduce reverberation and improve the acoustic comfort of a space.

Martini Absorb
Martini Easy Baffle

Martini Easy Baffle Logo

Martini Easy Baffle

Martini Easy Baffle is thermally-bonded polyester fibre insulation specifically designed to reduce flanking sound transmission through suspended ceiling voids in offices, retail, hospitality, government and community spaces.

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Installed in suspended ceiling voids between a concrete slab soffit and the top junction of a plasterboard partition. One pack of Martini Easy Baffle is designed to fit a ceiling to a soffit height of 600 mm. To work effectively, Martini Easy Baffle must be compressed by 30%.

Acoustic performance

 When placed between a concrete slab soffit and the top junction of a plasterboard partition wall, Easy Baffle can achieve a sound transmission reduction of up to 9–16 decibels across a range of frequencies including general speech range frequencies – the most common nuisance noise in commercial buildings.

Easy Baffle has a Noise Reduction Coefficient (NRC) of 0.9 as tested in accordance with AS/ISO 354-2006.

Fire Resistance

Test Method Results
The following results were obtained when CSR Martini product was
subjected to early fire hazard testing in accordance with Australian Standards AS 1530.3.
Ignitability 0
Spread of Flame 0
Heat Evolved 0
Smoke Developed 0-1


Martini Easy Baffle Illustration

Martini Easy Baffle is easy to install in ceiling voids. The product is packaged in a compressed form to a thickness of 450mm. One pack of Martini Easy Baffle is designed to fit in a ceiling to soffit height of 600mm. To work effectively, Martini Easy Baffle must be compressed by 30%.

If the void is greater than 600mm in height, add one extra batt for every 65mm over 600mm. The product can be made to order to suit other void heights subject to minimum quantities.

Installed in five easy steps:

  1. Cut off both ends off the pack leaving the batts in the remaining sleeve.
  2. Insert the batts in their sleeve into the void.
  3. Centre the pack length-ways to follow the partition centre line.
  4. Slit the remaining plastic sleeve and remove; the batts will then expand to fill the void. At 600mm void height, 30% compression is achieved.
  5. Adjust batts to form an even stack for the next pack to adjoin to.

Where services such as HVAC ducts, pipes and cable trays run through the void then batts should be installed individually under, over and around the obstruction to a suitable compression.

Martini Easy Baffle

Specification Table

Product Length (mm) Pack width (mm) Pack depth (mm) Batts per pack NRC Product Code
Martini Easy Baffle 1200 600 450 8 0.9 129188

Environmental benefits

Martini Easy Baffle is manufactured from thermally-bonded polyester fibre with up to 80% recycled fibre content from post-consumer PET packaging, such as empty drink bottles.

  • No chemicals or resin binders are used in manufacture.
  • Odourless.
  • No waste is generated in manufacture.
  • No water or ozone-depleting gases are used in manufacture.
  • No chlorides are present in the product.
  • Suitable for use in Green Star™ projects.
Martini MAB

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  • Technical assistance
  • Specification assistance
  • Pricing and tenders