Builders & Tradies
If you’re a builder or tradesman that uses insulation then you probably know Bradford as we are Australia’s largest insulation company with the widest range of products.
Since starting operations in 1934, Bradford has been making insulation in Australia to serve the needs of Australian homes and commercial buildings. With energy efficiency requirements being a big part of the design of modern buildings, insulation plays a key role in ensuring the building envelope meets the requirements of the BCA and provides a comfortable environment for the occupants.
Bradford has a range of thermal insulation products including Gold wall and ceiling batts, Gold Hi-Performance batts, Optimo underfloor batts, Thermoseal wall wraps and sarkings, Polymax polyester wall and ceiling batts and Anticon roofing blanket to name just a few. We also make the best acoustic insulation in SoundScreen - a proven performer in helping reduce sound transmission in walls, ceilings and mid-floors of two storey homes.
Other products that we offer include FireSeal party wall batts and other passive fire protection products, Thermofoil board wall sheets and a range of high density industrial products in glasswool or rockwool.
Whether you need product advice, or help designing the best system, we can help you ensure you get the best insulation product for the application. Contact us via email or call our technical specialist team directly on 1800 354 044 for assistance
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