Bradford's Knowledge Centre is the place for frequently asked questions about our products, installation, safety, the science of insulation and other topics.
These are some of the most commonly asked questions regarding our products. If you have a query which is not covered, please contact us so we can assist you.
Can Bradford install insulation?
Bradford have one of the most experienced, well established and comprehensive network of installers across Australia. Bradford installers complete stringent training to ensure Bradford insulation is installed safely & effectively. Bradford also provides the most comprehensive warranty in the market place with a lifetime cover on performance of product (70 years).
How are glasswool batts installed?
Glasswool batts come in standard widths and lengths that match standard joist spaces. With ceiling insulation the batts are usually brought into an existing ceiling access and fit snugly between ceiling joists to achieve maximum thermal insulation.
What is the density of residential insulation products?
The density of glasswool products used in residential applications varies depending on the use of the product. Ceiling batts are normally in the range of 8 – 10kg/m3 whereas wall batts need to be stiff so as not to slump in the wall cavity and these products are typically 12kg/m3 or more. Acoustic insulation products are typically in the range of 25 – 30kg/m3.
What is the difference between glasswool & rockwool?
Glasswool and rockwool are similar products that perform similar functions. Glasswool takes molten glass (made from around 80% recycled glass) and put this through a fiberising process to create a mat of varying thicknesses and densities. This mat has millions of air pockets created and this provides an effective insulation against the transfer of heat. Rockwool is made in a similar way from molten volcanic rock (basalt) rather than glass. The main differences between glasswool and rockwool from a performance perspective is that rockwool cannot be made a low densities like glasswool can. The minimum density for rockwool is around 30kg/m3. However, rockwool has the advantage of being able to be used at much higher operating temperatures – up to 850°C compared to 350°C for glasswool. Mineral wool is a term that describes both glasswool and rockwool.
How can I get the best thermal performance out of a 90mm stud wall?
Bradford recommends using Gold Hi Performance Batts for optimum thermal performance. Bradford suggests increasing your studs to 120mm or 140mm from 90mm to allow for more insulation value. Bradford Gold Hi-Performance wall batts are available in R-Values of R2.0 to R4.0.
Will insulation fitted into timber studs eliminate noise transfer between rooms?
Glasswool and rockwool assist in muffling noise, to eliminate noise transfer between rooms requires attention also to the appropriate layers of Gyprock plasterboard and close attention to eliminating flanking noise. It is the overall system, not just the insulation that should be considered.
Will SoundScreen insulation installed in the cavity of an external wall eliminate outside noise from entering a house?
SoundScreen will absorb much of the noise entering a home from outside, but noise tends to find a “path of least resistance” and so elements like windows, gaps around doors and windows and even the construction of the doors will have an effect. Double glazing, solid core doors and door and window seals will all play a role. Increasing the thickness of Gyprock plasterboard will also assist in managing the entry of external noise.
What are the best options for reducing noise being transferred from the first floor to ground floor of a house?
Two types of noise need to be considered here: airborne noise and impact noise. Airborne noise is reduced by increased mass of the system, such as installing Bradford R3.1 High Density SoundScreen and replacing standard Supaceil with 2 layers of 16mm Fyrchek fixed to the ceiling joists. Impact noise, such as from footsteps, is best reduced by the use of carpet and underlay and the use of Gyprock resilient mounts and furring channel.
Can insulation reduce condensation and mould growth on ceilings of a bedroom?
When correctly installed, insulation can assist in reducing condensation and mould problems by keeping internal surfaces warmer. Other factors that should also be considered are ventilation, low room temperatures and high humidity levels in the house
What can I do to reduce the risk of mould and water damage due to internal condensation?
There are many Bradford products that will help reduce the risk of mould and water damage in your home. The Bradford Enviroseal™ range of vapour permeable membranes are highly permeable, yet also water tight. These products are designed to allow moisture to pass through them whilst preventing the entry of wind driven rain and dust from the outside environment both during and after construction. Bradford Anticon combines Bradford glasswool blanket with an impermeable foil facing, which protects your home from the condensation that can form under metal roofs. The Edmonds range of home ventilation products all work hand-in-hand with insulation, to create a more comfortable and energy efficient home. It is also important to eliminate recessed light fittings. Duct kitchen and bathroom exhaust fans should direct air outside.
What insulation system should I use under a metal roof?
Combining glasswool and reflective insulation in a single product, Bradford Anticon has been specifically designed to provide superior thermal insulation, noise reduction and condensation control for metal roofs. Bradford Anticon is specifically designed for temperature control in homes with metal roofs. It is comprised of a glasswool blanket adhered to a foil facing. This reduces radiant heat entering a home during summer, and helps prevent condensation in winter. Installing Bradford Anticon under your metal roof also helps reduce unwanted noise from heavy rain and other sources by up to 13dB. Bradford Anticon is available in a variety of thicknesses so you can choose the level of insulation that best suits your needs. Anticon’s bulk insulation blanket is made from non-combustible fibres and is ideally suited to sealing ember entry points at ridges, valleys and fascia’s to meet the BAL (Bushfire Attack Level) requirement for metal clad roofs in bushfire areas.
What is the correct position of the foil when laying Anticon?
In temperate areas the foil vapour barrier faces into the warm side of the building. In most parts of Australia this means the foil facing should be down (towards the interior of the building). However, in tropical areas such as Northern QLD, we recommend an extra layer of vapour barrier to be applied lapped and tapped to the outside to reduce condensation in humid environments. In tropical areas such as Northern Territory, the vapour barrier should face the external roof sheet or wall cladding to control condensation.
Do foil laps need to be taped on Anticon?
It is best practice to tape the foil overlaps when installing Anticon products under metal roofing. This ensures the integrity of the vapour barrier.
What is the R Value of wall wrap or sarking?
This depends on the system used and direction that the heat travels. Reflective insulation products are effective at resisting radiant heat but less effective with convective heat. Therefore, they work better in summer (heat down) situations than winter (heat up). As a basic “rule of thumb” roof sarking in a ventilated pitched tiled roof with a flat ceiling can provided added R-value of around R1.8 in summer and reflective wall wraps (when combined with a non-ventilated still air space in the stud void) can add around R1.1 in summer.
How do I insulate a Cathedral Ceiling?
It is very difficult (and sometimes impossible) to insulate cathedral ceilings after they have been built.
If the cathedral ceiling has exposed rafters then it’s virtually impossible to insulate without a major structural change to the roof. If the rafters are not exposed (i.e. they sit behind the ceiling lining), then a cathedral ceiling can be insulated with Bradford batts by removing either the roofing material or the ceiling lining but obviously this is a difficult and expensive process and would only be cost effective if a re-roof was being done for other reasons or if other alterations were taking place that required the ceiling lining to be replaced.
How has this insulation been tested to prove it solves energy efficiency problems?
Insulation in Australia must be tested as per the standard AS/NZS4859.1. There are different tests for different types of insulation. For the most popular insulation which is glasswool, which we market as Bradford Gold Batts, we test in an apparatus that the claimed thermal performance (R-value) of the product is the same as what we claim on the packaging. This is done in the factory as part of our quality control process.
Having established that the thermal performance is accurate, we then use this in modelling to estimate how much energy a home will need to achieve a comfort level of between 22 – 26 degrees Celsius. Because a well insulated house requires less energy to achieve this comfort range this helps improve the energy efficiency of the home.
Health and Safety
Is Bradford Insulation safe for my family? (Health & Safety)
Bradford has been manufacturing insulation in Australia since 1934. We started with Slagwool, then went to Rockwool and we have been making Glasswool now for almost 50 years. Glasswool insulation has been comprehensively researched over more than 30 years and the World Health Organisation has concluded that glasswool does not pose any long term health hazard.
Has fibreglass insulation been banned in the USA? (Health & Safety)
No. This rumour has been around for many years and was started by manufacturers of alternative insulation products as part of a negative marketing campaign. In fact, glasswool is the most common insulation product used in residential homes in the USA and worldwide.
How is glasswool different from fibreglass insulation? (Health & Safety)
There is no difference. In the USA glasswool is still referred to as fiberglass but in Europe and Australia the term changed to Glasswool in the 1980’s.
Are glasswool and rockwool a health hazard? (Health & Safety)
Glasswool and rockwool are manufactured using the latest bio-soluble formulation and are assessed as non-hazardous. Bradford Insulation's rockwool and glasswool have been classified as Category 3 by IARC (International Agency into Research on Cancer) and are not classifiable as carcinogens to humans. Any suggestion to the contrary is incorrect. Bradford Gold and Bradford SoundScreen insulation have been recognised as safe for asthma and allergy sufferers by the National Asthma Council Australia's Sensitive Choice® program. Please see Product Health & Safety for more information.
Will I get itchy installing glasswool? (Health & Safety)
The great benefit of creating an insulation product out of glass fibers is that they are inert and strong to provide lifetime performance. However when the fibers are cut to shape at the factory, some sharper edges and a small amount of loose dust is generated.These may cause minor temporary irritation for some people during installation. This is a mechanical irritation not chemical – it can be relieved by washing with soap and water or avoided by installing with dust mask and long sleeve shirt as recommended by Bradford.
After installation there is no risk of irritation if left undisturbed. In general roof spaces and building sites are dusty environments and Bradford recommends protective equipment be worn when working with any material in these spaces.
Can I use thicker than Anticon 60 in my house?
Bradford recommends the use of 60 and 80mm Anticon in residential applications. The use of thicker insulation blankets is possible but Bradford recommends the use of spacers or battens to ensure there is no pillowing of the roof sheeting. In all cases the blanket needs to be draped to allow it to recover to its nominal thickness between the fixing points.
Can ceiling batts be used in walls? (Residential)
Ceiling batts are too thick and not rigid enough to be fitted into studs without compression (and subsequent R-value). Wall batts have a water repellent added whereas ceiling batts don't. Where higher R-values are required, the use of an R2.0 glasswool or rockwool wall batt is required along with EnviroSeal fixed to the outside of the stud.
Do I have to use ceiling batts if I use Anticon?
Bradford Anticon is an insulation that is installed at the roof line whereas batts are typically installed on a horizontal ceilings. Except in the case of cathedral ceilings, Anticon is effective at keeping heat out of an attic space and stopping heat from escaping from the roof.
However, batts work at the ceiling level which is closer to the living areas of the home. Anticon is an excellent “added” insulation which has other benefits when metal roofing is installed – in particular acoustic insulation against heavy rain or hail and management of condensation which can occur in colder parts of Australia. Bradford recommends that Anticon be used in combination with batts but not as the primary insulation except where winter heating is not used.
Is Glasswool insulation compatible with down lights?
Bradford’s ceiling insulation will not increase the fire load in your roof space and is non-combustible. Care should still be taken around down lights to ensure enough space has been left to allow transformers and lights have enough natural ventilation to cool (required by Australian Standards).
Can insulation be installed directly on top of my plasterboard?
Yes, it can. Although, there are some loose fill products that will exceed the weight recommendations by plasterboard manufacturers. All of Bradford’s glasswool products are safe to install on plasterboard ceilings.
Is stringing of timber studs necessary when installing wall batts? (Residential)
Yes, unless Thermoseal Wallwraps are used on the outside of the frame. This helps prevent the wall batt from falling and touching the external cladding.
Do I require insulation under the box gutters?
Yes. Bradford recommends Anticon 60 or Xtratherm Thin-R for insulating underneath your box gutters.
R-Value of Metal Deck Roof Structures: What factors influence the R-value of a metal deck roof? (Commercial Roofing)
The installed R-value of the glasswool and foil are dependant on the thickness of insulation and the degree of compression of the blanket under the metal deck. A still airspace created by a ceiling increases the R-value of the foil component particularly for summer conditions where heat flows downward.
R-Value of Metal Deck Roof Structures: What factors influence the R-value of a metal deck roof? (Commercial Roofing)
The installed R-value of the glasswool and foil are dependent on the thickness of insulation and the degree of compression of the blanket under the metal deck. Compression should be kept to a minimum and the use of spacers like Ashgrid can achieve this wherer safety mesh is used. The insulation value attributable to the reflective foil facing is dependant on a number of factors. Principally amoung these is an air space of at least 20mm. A still airspace created by a ceiling provides the best results for the foil component particularly for summer conditions where heat flows downward.
Industrial HVAC
There is quite a range of Ductliner type insulations, which one should be used? (Industrial/HVAC)
All Bradford Ductliners will provide good insulation for thermal efficiency and condensation control. The question of which one is related to: 1. Sound absorption characteristics: Generally speaking all Ductliners perform excellently in the mid to high frequency range. In the low frequency range absorption increases with thickness and/or density. The final choice will be influenced by the amount of absorption required. 2. Compression resistance/smoothness of internal surface: As density of insulation increases so does resistance to "quilting" due to pinning. This has significance in high velocity ducts, where a smooth flat surface is desirable to minimise friction losses, turbulence and air noise. Most commonly Supertel which has a density of 32kg.m3 is used although higher density Ultratel is also popular.
Why is Fibermesh 650 recommended generally when blanket insulation is to be used on pipework? (Industrial/HVAC)
Flexible blanket insulation has much less compression resistance than Rockwool Pipe Insulation. This is partly related to lower density and partly to the flexibility itself. It is important that insulation compresses minimally in service, since compression results in a reduction of performance. Therefore the high density Fibermeshª 650 is recommended for pipe insulation where a blanket is preferred. The superb flexibility of the product ensures close contact around pipe circumference and the mesh reinforcement assists stability.
What thickness of insulation is needed? (Industrial/HVAC)
This depends very much on the operating temperature of the system, the desired level of control of heat loss (or gain), maximum surface temperature for personnel protection and the requirements for condensation control. In addition, the reflective properties (surface coefficient) of the insulation cladding also affects heat loss and surface temperature at a given insulation thickness. If you are specifying for an industrial project see our minimum thickness calculator
What type of pipe insulation is best? (Industrial/HVAC)
The best product for the job will depend on a range of factors outlined below..
Operating temperature For low temperatures down to -40oC Polystyrene pipe insulation is recommended when combined with a suitable vapour barrier. For operating temperatures up to 450oC, either Glasswool or Rockwool SPI (Sectional Pipe Insulation) is recommended. Rockwool is recommended in the upper temperature range because of its greater thermal resistance and compression resistance under operating conditions. For high temperatures up to 650oC Rockwool Pipe Insulation is used.
Cost control For "large" pipes (200mm diameter or greater) Fibermeshª 650 may be cost effectively substituted for Rockwool Pipe Insulation, particularly on large projects and where damage via mechanical compression (e.g. personnel climbing over pipework) is a minimal risk. Generally an extra 13mm insulation thickness is required for performance comparable with pipe insulation.
Science of Insulation
What are R-values? (Thermal)
Insulation's ability to resist heat flow (prevent heat leaking in or out) is described as its 'R-value'. Incorrect installation, such as compressing or damaging insulation, or leaving gaps between sheets or batts, can result in a product not achieving its specified R-value. This is why it’s important to choose a supplier that you can trust, like Bradford, who has had years of experience and has a reputation of providing quality service.
Bradford has a range of products with various R-Values. Factors like the local climate and available budget should be considered when determining what product best suits your needs. In warmer climates, care should be taken to ensure summer heat does not enter the home and get “trapped” by insulation. Effective shading of windows is highly recommended. Bradford’s Hi Performance range provides the highest available R-Value product in Australia – the R7.0.
It’s important that you understand what R-values mean because they can result in you getting the best product for your home. Understanding the R-value for your home is regarded as the best way to compare the different products that are out there in the market.
R-values are the measuring tool we use to rate the level of thermal resistance. Essentially, the higher the R-Value the more effective the insulation is.
Bradford has a range of products with various R-Values. Factors like the severity of the weather conditions and available budget should be considered when determining what product best suits your needs.
Material R-values are supplied with bulk insulation (such as Bradford Gold insulation batts) and refer to the insulating value of the product itself.
Total R-values are supplied with reflective insulation (such as Bradford Thermoseal roof sarking products) and depend on the product being installed as specified. R-values can differ depending on the direction of heat flow through the product, more so in reflective insulation rather than bulk.
- ‘Up’ R-values describe resistance to heat flow upwards (sometimes known as ‘winter’ R-values).
- ‘Down’ R-values describe resistance to heat flow downwards (sometimes known as ‘summer’ R-values).
All new homes being built in Australia have certain energy efficiency levels they must meet as required by their state. By taking into account the R-values of the product this will help you comply with what your state requires.
How does heat transfer work? (Thermal)
There are three main types of heat transfer:
1. Radiation
These are rays of heat moving through the air in the same way as we feel the heat from the rays of the sun on our faces. It’s the way your grill works, transferring heat to the food without touching it.
2. Convection
Convection occurs when air molecules themselves heat up and move to another location. In the same way as a convection oven directly heats the air and then blows it around the food, so air can transfer heat in and out of your home.
3. Conduction
Heat is transmitted through the materials of your home, such as the roof and walls. For example, when you place a pot on a stove the inner surface heats the food, because the heat is conducted through the base of the pot.
How does insulation stop heat transfer? (Thermal)
Bradford Gold insulation is made up of very thin glass fibres that are matted together to form millions or air pockets. These air pockets are very poor conductors of heat and resist the flow of air or radiation through the insulation.
This ‘resistance’ is known as the R-Value. The higher the R-Value the more effective the insulation is.
How do I soundproof my home? (Acoustic)
Nothing beats peace and quiet. That's why it is important to consider good acoustic insualtion when building a home. Noise has the ability to raise stress, disrupt sleep and generally reduce your quality of life.
These days, there is more external noise – as traffic and housing density increase. Even within our homes, trends such as open plan living, harder surfaces (e.g. timber floors), and more powerful entertainment systems increase noise levels.
Installing acoustic insulation in external walls when you're building your home is the easiest way to effectively reduce unwanted outside noise from heavy traffic, aircraft or noisy neighbours. Also, installing acoustic insulation in interior walls or between first floor ceiling and second storey floor can reduce sound power by up to 75%.
How is sound transmitted? (Acoustic)
Sound travels easily through the air. When sound waves reach a solid surface they are partially absorbed, but they also cause vibrations that can transmit sound to the other side.
In this way, external noise is easily transmitted through walls and ceilings to the inside of your home. Additionally, noise generated from within your home can be transmitted through internal walls, and even floors, to adjacent rooms.
How insulation helps
Bulk insulation materials such as glasswool and rockwool act like a sponge to help soak up sound energy. When the sound waves encounter the insulation they are partially deflected by the density of the product and partially absorbed due to the millions of interconnecting air pockets.
Insulation products such as reflective foil or foams with hard surfaces are poor noise insulators.
Bradford SoundScreen has a similar structure to Bradford Gold insulation, but is much denser. This extra density makes SoundScreen particularly efficient at stopping noise, as well as heat transfer within your home.
How is sound measured? (Acoustic)
Sound pressure is measured in decibels (dB), which is a logarithmic scale. A 10dB increase in sound level is heard as roughly double the loudness of the original sound by the ear. Sound levels between 35dB – 45dB are generally considered comfortable.
The acoustic performance of a wall or floor system is measured by the Weighted Sound Reduction Index (Rw). It is a single number acoustic rating that takes into account the sound reduction of the system at a number of different frequencies and is used to easily compare different types of construction. The higher the Rw the better the acoustic performance of the system.
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