Martini - Acoustic Polyester

Martini acoustic polyester products offer a wide range of solutions for commercial projects, from wall and ceiling insulation for reducing noise transfer between areas, to decorative absorptive panels to help reduce reverberation and improve the acoustic comfort of a space.

Martini Absorb

Martini Absorb

Martini Absorb is a thermally-bonded polyester fibre insulation specifically engineered to provide high-performance sound absorption across a broad range of frequencies. The fine fibre blends used in Martini Absorb will enhance the low frequency performance over standard materials that are made only to a thickness and density specification.

Available in sheets or rolls; Martini Absorb is non-itch and doesn’t required any protective clothing or masks during installation. The product is available in black, grey or white.

For product and sales support please call 1300 760 233 or send our team an email by clicking EMAIL ENQUIRY


  • Semi-exposed behind perforated panelling and ceilings
  • Industrial enclosures, HVAC ducts, silences and plant rooms
  • Under soffit
  • Partition wall cavity infill
  • Suspended ceiling
  • Outdoor environmental acoustic applications

Acoustic Performance

Product Alpha W NRC Product Code (Black)
Absorb MD 25# 0.60 0.65 133525
Absorb MD 50# 0.85 0.85 133526
Absorb HD 25# 0.60 0.65 133529
Absorb HD 50# 0.90 0.95 133530
Absorb HD 75# 1.00 1.05 133531
Absorb HD 100# 1.00 1.00 133532
Absorb XHD 25# 0.70 0.70 133533
Absorb XHD 50# 0.90 0.90 133472

*Calculated R-Value (Km2/W) #Denotes compliant to AS 5637.1 and tested to AS/ISO 9705, achieved Group 1.

For more product information download Absorb Datasheet.

Martini Absorb

Flow Resistivity

Product MKS RAYL/M
Absorb HD 7,994
Absorb XHD 14,693
Absorb XXHD 21,008

Fire Resistance

Test Method Results
Variations marked # are compliant to AS 5637.1 and are tested to AS/ISO 9705 Corner Burn Test Group 1
SMOGRA not more than 100m2/s2 x 1000
The following results were obtained when CSR Martini product was subjected to early fire hazard testing in accordance with Australian Standards AS 1530.3 Ignitability 0
Spread of Flame 0
Heat Evolved 0
Smoke Developed 0-1

Specification Table

Product Thickness (mm) Length (mm) Width (mm) Sheets per pack m2 per pack Product Code (Black)
Absorb MD 25# 25 2400 1200 12 34.56 133525
Absorb MD 50# 50 2400 1200 6 17.28 133526
Absorb HD 25# 25 2400 1200 12 34.56 133529
Absorb HD 50# 50 2400 1200 6 17.28 133530
Absorb HD 75# 75 2400 1200 4 11.52 133531
Absorb HD 100# 100 2400 1200 3 8.64 133532
Absorb XHD 25# 25 2400 1200 10 28.80 133533
Absorb XHD 50# 50 2400 1200 6 17.28 133472

*Calculated R-Value (Km2/W) #Denotes compliant to AS 5637.1 and tested to AS/ISO 9705, achieved Group 1.

For more product information download Absorb Datasheet.

Environmental benefits

Martini Absorb is manufactured from thermally-bonded polyester fibre with up to 80% recycled fibre content from post-consumer PET packaging, such as empty drink bottles.

  • No chemicals or resin binders are used in manufacture.
  • Odourless.
  • No waste is generated in manufacture.
  • No water or ozone-depleting gases are used in manufacture.
  • No chlorides are present in the product.
  • Suitable for use in Green Star™ projects.
Martini Easy Baffle
Martini MAB

Black Acoustic Insulation for Semi-Exposed Ceilings

The design of a commercial building needs to go beyond aesthetics and incorporate acoustic engineering to ensure the space feels and sounds comfortable.

Contact our specialist team

For help with:

  • Technical assistance
  • Specification assistance
  • Pricing and tenders