Thermoseal Wall Wrap
What are Wall Wraps?
Thermoseal™ Wall Wraps are A Protective Second Skin™ that shield your home from water-related weather damage and minimise hot & cold draughts blowing through the home. Wall wraps can also provide an extra level of comfort to your home by keeping it warmer in winter or cooler in summer and preventing wall stains caused by wind-driven rain.
Benefits of Thermoseal Wall Wrap
For the Home Owner
Warmer In Winter, Cooler In Summer
Wrapping your home in Bradford™ Thermoseal™ it is able to reduce airflow around insulation making it work more effectively. Wrap your home today and stay warmer in winter and cooler in summer.
Protect Against Weather–Related Damage
Bradford™ Thermoseal™ Wall Wraps act as A Second Protective Skin™ around your home, that defend your internal wall from weather–related water damage. During heavy rain, strong winds or hail, water can enter the wall cavity leading to serious unseen damage.
For the Builder
Reduce Delays Caused By Bad Weather
Wrapping provides a tough weather barrier allowing tradies to access the site before brickwork or cladding has been applied. This can greatly reduce delays and therefore speed up construction considerably. It also protects the timber frame from rain preventing structural decay and damage.