Reverse Building with RapidWrap Can Save Weeks Off Construction Times
Benefits for the Builder
The ‘Reverse Build’ Method Increases the Speed of Construction
Using the Bradford RapidWrap system, supply & fit teams are able to ‘wrap up’ their work early with no need for scaffolding. Once the wrap has been installed on a double storey home, tradies can rough in straight away with the potential to decrease construction times significantly by reducing delays caused by bad weather.
The Right Wrap Can Reduce Potential Rectification Costs
By completely wrapping a home in Bradford’s range of Thermoseal™ and Enviroseal™ products, you can reduce potential rectification costs caused by condensation or weather related damage*. Bradford RapidWrap makes it easier than ever to wrap any residential home to minimise rectification costs.
Timber or Steel Frame? Not a Problem
Bradford RapidWrap can be used on both timber and steel frame homes making it versatile and ready for any job.
With and Without Reverse Build Method - Comparison
When a home is not wrapped, bad weather or issues with installing the external facade often cause delays in construction. The typical build process is shown on the left hand side of the below flow chart and takes on average 16 weeks to complete internal fit-out. However, once wrap is installed the internal fit out can be completed at the same time as brickwork, potentially saving weeks of construction time.
Single storey homes can be wrapped easily, however, RapidWrap allows this same process to be done on double storey homes regardless of timber or metal frame.
See RapidWrap in Action