Australian Government chooses CSR Bradford for educational video series

CSR Bradford’s Enviroseal RW and Enviroseal HighTack Adhesive Tape have been selected as the products of choice in a new Federal government’s education video series on wrapping and sealing techniques for high quality builds.
The Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources created the innovative six-part series with the support of CSR Bradford to demonstrate the benefits of a thermal envelope for energy efficiency, moisture management and water control.
CSR Bradford’s high-performing products, Enviroseal RW and Enviroseal High Tack tape, were chosen for the educational videos because they are considered to be market leading products, allowing the department to demonstrate best practice techniques to architects and builders.
There are six videos in the series, aimed at building professionals and demonstrating wrapping and sealing techniques. The series includes how to choose the right tapes to complement modern breathable fabric membranes, such as Enviroseal RW. Other videos demonstrate how to tape up the joints of Enviroseal RW, using Enviroseal HighTack Tape, which helps to increase the integrity of the thermal envelope and can lead to an 82 per cent increase in air-tightness in walls.
CSR Bradford’s Enviroseal™ RW is a light-wall classified vapour permeable wall wrap designed for use in residential timber and steel frame wall construction. It is a durable and lightweight textile membrane, designed to allow moisture to escape the inside of the home. Enviroseal™ RW is fully compliant to NCC 2019 Condensation guidelines. A Class 4 vapour permeable, air and water barrier membrane.
Enviroseal™ HighTack tape is a single-sided pressure-sensitive adhesive tape, designed primarily to seal overlaps and joints on the Enviroseal RW, CW, and HTS range of vapour permeable membranes.
Getting started – tools
Getting started – tapes
Putting on the wall wrap
Sealing around penetrations
Taping up the joints
Sealing around windows