Bradford building sustainability into Australians future

CSR’s most recent annual sustainability report is an all-encompassing document communicating the company’s commitment to sustainable practices throughout the business. Business, just like a building, needs strong foundations for a successful future. CSR Bradford has a particular focus on energy efficiency and sustainability in the built environment. CSR Bradford consistently strives to develop innovative products and systems.
As building activity increases across Australia and New Zealand, it is obvious that housing needs are changing. People want to live closer to where they work, have better access to public transport and demand more amenities. When behaviour changes new issues arise such as affordable housing, dwelling size, infill development and density.
CSR Bradford recognises that higher energy costs are having a significant impact on the cost of living. The Building Code and National Construction Code have included energy efficiency standards for ten years, helping to build higher performing, more comfortable, contemporary homes and buildings. The increasing trend towards building-in energy efficiency is driving change towards better designed, affordable, more comfortable homes and buildings. There is a solid foundation to help the building occupants of Australia, but there is still room for improvement.
Recent CSR Bradford contributions to sustainable housing design include: CSR House , a state-of-the art building research centre in Western Sydney; innovative product development with Optimo underfloor insulation, and an expansion of Bradford Energy Solutions providing better energy solutions and lower energy bills to homeowners and businesses.
Insulation plays a significant contribution at CSR House, an 8 Star NatHERS rated home which has a theoretical heating and cooling load approximately 50% lower than a comparative 6 Star home.
CSR’s research shows that by improving the air tightness of the 8 Star home, the actual energy required for heating and cooling can be as much as 72% lower than a standard 6 Star house.
CSR has an active program to reduce its impact on the environment which is overseen by the board and the Workplace Health, Safety & Environment Committee. Each business in CSR has a plan which commits site management to:
- Comply with government environmental regulations
- Identify and address key environmental risks
- Improve environmental awareness of employees and contractors
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions and use of resources
- Continued focus on improving the energy efficiency of our operations.
CSR has seen a reduction in its own greenhouse gas emissions and has articulated a commitment to minimise the impact on our environment, with specific targets to continue to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, waste production and the consumption of energy and water used in production.
Each CSR business sets goals to reduce their indicators over time and these are regularly reviewed by senior management and the WHSE board committee.
Download CSR’s annual sustainability report here.